Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Acne Cures - 4 Dreadful Mistakes People Make When Trying to Become Acne Free!

Nowadays there are so many acne cures available that most of us struggle to decide what treatment to try. It's hard not to be jealous of those with clear skin even if they have a terrible skin care regime or even have one at all!

Instead of focusing your attention on how perfect their skin is compared to yours, focus on what you can do to help yourself become acne free.

Becoming acne free can take some time and dedication but you can get there if you experiment and find the perfect solution for your skin type. To get you started here are 4 mistakes to avoid.

1. This one if for the teen girls and ladies. Piling on the make-up to cover pimples can clog the pores more and make your condition worse. Don't fret though I'm not saying you can't wear make up to cover up your blemishes but make sure its the right kind. Water based cosmetics and hypoallergenic types are best rather than oil based forms of make up.

2. Touching the face too much. This is one mistake that many acne sufferers don't even realize they are doing. Do you ever lean on your hand when writing or watching tv? This can spread the bacteria from your hands to your face and cause breakouts. Doing this regularly will definitely not help you become acne free.

3. Squeezing spots. Sometimes you just can't leave your spot alone but when you pop it it doesn't mean it's gone forever. Usually bacteria is left in the area and a new pimple will appear in the same spot in the future. Squeezing acne also spreads bacteria to other areas too.

4. Letting acne run its course. Some people think that acne will just go away on its own but if you have acne prone skin you need to develop a proper skin care regime to combat it as well as making lifestyle changes.

Are you ready to become acne free? Visit my site for simple remedies and reviews including an honest review of acne free in 3 days!


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